Call us: 662-562-2361
Senatobia, MS
When you visit our farm during the picking season, we will provide you one gallon containers to put your muscadines in. Please pick until your container runneth over, and of course, you should taste a few as you pick! You can fill as many buckets as you wish. When you check out, we will put your berries in a bag for easy transport home.
Each gallon bucket that you pick is $12.
We only accept cash and checks.
The jewel bright tones of ripe muscadines are matched by their intense fruity flavor.
The Ison vine is a beautiful black variety that produces beautiful large clusters.
This variety produces some of the best wine available because of its taste and flavor.
The skin is edible and the most nutritious part of the grape.
The variety is great for all uses.
The Darlene muscadine vine is a beautiful bronze variety that turns pinkish in color as it fully ripens.
Considered by most to be the best bronze muscadine variety available, the flavor is unbeatable.
This muscadine produces consistently large fruit that is 1 1/4 inch in diameter.
This muscadine fruit has a dry scar which means when you pick it from the vine and pull it from the stem the skin stays intact and does not split.
The pulp is melting.
Summitt is a red cultivar and turns a reddish-pink rose blush color when ripe and has extraordinary flavor.
This muscadine fruit is medium to large size and the skin is edible.
This muscadine fruit has a dry scar which means when you pick it from the vine and pull it from the stem the skin stays intact and does not split.
Excellent cultivar that has an extraordinary flavor that makes it perfect for fresh eating, juice, or jelly.
Muscadines produce large, thick skinned grapes that grow in loose clusters. Unlike bunch grapes, which are harvested by clipping whole bunches from the vine, muscadines are usually harvested as individual berries.
When picking muscadines, choose grapes that are uniform in shape and color.
Ripe muscadines have a sweet fragrance and fall easily from the stem.
Like most fruits, muscadines do not ripen further after harvesting and will achieve optimum flavor and sugar content when allowed to fully ripen on the vine.
After purchasing or picking, muscadines can be stored in a shallow container in the refrigerator.
Fresh muscadines can be kept for up to a week depending on their original condition but ideally should be eaten within a few days.
Inspect stored grapes regularly and remove any that are becoming soft or showing signs of decay.